Ogliastra beaches

Between the towns of the coast most important and interesting to visit is necessary to rememberTortolì, one of the Ogliastra most beautiful and pleasant place. It is located near the port ofArbatax. Over the years it has become a popular bathing place and affiliates among the tourists who came to visit the region.

arbatax sardinia

The small town of Arbatax, which also belongs to Tortolì. Cape Bellavista is located at the base of the imposing completely covered by dense maquis and surmounted by a beautiful and picturesque lighthouse tower Arbatax. Near the port you can admire the fantastic and striking red rocks, the rocks rising from the sea, very characteristics in the area.

The other side of the promontory of Cape Bellavista, lies the beautiful panoramic terrace on Cave Moresca.
In the south of Arbatax is the beach of S. Gemiliano at the base of the Cape of S. Gemiliano, where you can visit the small Spanish tower, and the unique beach of Port Frailis, white sand and the sea and beautiful-clear. Always south you can reach the beach Orrì.

Suggestive is the beach of Cea – Is Scoglius Arrubius, so named for the presence of two peaks suggestive of red porphyry which emerge from the water, and the small bay of Cea, located near Barisardo. The country of Barisardo is not on the sea but a short distance from the coast, because of the danger of the old pirate invasions

Around Santa Teresa: Valley of The Moon

Leaving from Piazza San Vittorio along La Marmora street, we’ll go on the right avenue Tibula. After a short descent, we meet one on the left ramp to the village of Santa Reparata, where lies the beach The Colba. Turning off the Big Dipper and then left again along the constellations street, you get to the important settlement nuragico Lu Brandale.

valley of the moon

Back on the main road, there she advanced along the peninsula of Capo Testa. Crossing the narrow isthmus is passed between two beaches: the left is the Lido Rena di Ponente or Taltana; on the right, within the Bay of Santa Reparata, stretches the long beach Capicciolu. At the end of the road to reach the trail to the lighthouse of Capo Testa. The small cove on the right is the beautiful Cala Spinosa.

If you go by foot, is on the right a recess between two rocks of granite and an inscription in red paint indicating the Valley of the Moon. At one time this was known as the throat Cala Grande Valley, but in the years to the late ’70s and ’80s became one of the favorite destinations of the flower children from all over Europe, who coined the new name.

Going in the direction of Porto Quadro, and the Ficaccia Marazzino, the road makes a scenic ride around the harbor and along the coast. Harbor Framework is an extended suburb with a small beach. A dirt road connects the village to La Ficaccia, fraction starting point to reach Punta Falcone. A little further south is the beach of Cala Elder

Dorgali and Orosei Gulf in Sardinia

Dorgali is the capital of industry and tourism in Barbagia measure due to his natural environment. His village marina Cala Gonone is closely linked to the coves of the Gulf of OroseiTourism has contributed to the preservation of assets and old trades.


The new generations of artisans, while respecting the traditional forms, have helped establish new and original style of expression. The prehistoric archaeological sites dot the area around the village. There are two museums to visit the archaeological museum and the Civic Savior Fancello, dedicated to the young potter who died during the Second World War.

Cut in two by Via La Marmora, Dorgali retains the look of many urban centers in the province ofNuoro, retaining a core origin that over the years has expanded with more modern buildings. The shops and craft shops are concentrated in the central road and the narrow alleys adjacent. The older houses are built with stone, but many are now dilapidated and abandoned, and some, after the great portal of entry, yet still retain a courtyard.

The center of the town houses the Church of St. Catherine of nineteenth-century style, where inside you can see a wooden altar dating from the thirteenth century. Beautiful Church of Caramel, located in the homonymous hill on the outskirts of the city, a remarkable landscape. Dorgalieconomic resources are closely tied to its fortunate geographical position: divided between sea and mountains. If you continue towards the East Sarda vantage points are marked and visible, giving the opportunity to taste some areas of Supramonte Dorgali.

The natural beauty of this area include oaks, junipers, some endemic species, raptors, gorges, canyons and sinkholes. In the vicinity of the village is the cave of Ispinigoli that holds the highest stalagmite of Europe, reaching 38 meters in the Punic era was used to perform human sacrifices and it is indeed called the “Abyss of virgins.” Beyond the tunnel for Cala Gonone here is the Gulf of Orosei. The road that leads to Cala Gonone is very tortuous, but is short and very scenic.

On either side of the road in the woods and, after a few turns, opens the curtain on the sea. Many beaches and beaches around Cala Gonone, some are born a few years artificially. To the south, after a few miles of scenic road meets the beach of Cala Fuili. From Cala Gonone you can leave for an exciting boat ride along the cliffs of the Gulf of Orosei to discover beautiful places like Cala Luna and the Grotte del Bue Marino

Santa Teresa di Gallura

Santa Teresa di Gallura is perched on a cliff right next to the Strait of Bonifacio, a narrow strip of sea 11 miles wide that separates the north of Sardinia from Corsica. Boats depart from the country leading the Archipelago of La Maddalena.

The town is spread out in two bays: the port Longone, which is at the bottom of the harbor, and that of Rena Bianca, which includes a beach of fine white sand. One of the characteristics of the conformation of the Roman town is the plant or a plant made of a network of urban roads that intersect perpendicularly.


The shape is typical of the Piedmont settlements of military origin. It usually known as Longosardo. In the Roman period it was a port of considerable importance for trade. Important was the mining of granite. For the Romans, did not escape this port so strategic.

Quarries of Capo Testa provided granite for the Duomo and the Baptistery of Pisa and the Pantheon in Rome. A historic site of particular interest is the Tower of Longosardo located on the edge of rock most extreme of the country. Over the years Santa Teresa, along with La Maddalena and the Costa Smeralda has become one of the most important centers of tourism.

Among the inhabitants of Santa Teresa and the district survives the ancient name of the village, in fact, the town is familiarly called Lungoni. The actual name of the country was imposed by the king, in honor of his wife Maria Teresa. To the north of the church of St. Victor, is the beautiful beach ofRena Bianca, the small rock to the left is  Monica. The city landmark is now the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, on which stands the institution for the promotion and tourist information

Porto Rotondo - Costa Smeralda

Addentrarsi nel cuore della Costa Smeralda. Spiagge incontaminate, mare verde smeraldo, promontori rocciosi che fanno da cornice ad un paradiso terrestre. La macchia mediterranea che inebria e profuma l'aria. Uscendo da Porto Cervo, ideale punto di partenza del tragitto, si percorre la strada litoranea per poi svoltare a destra in direzione diAbbiadori e segui le indicazioni per Cala di Volpe.

Dopo una serie di tornanti percorsa l'ultima curva ecco apparire un panorama mezzafiato. La spiaggia di Cala di Volpe, esclusiva, frequentatissima d'estate da un turismo di elite. Lasciandosi alle spalle Cala di Volpe con le sue rinomate spiagge, tra cui la famosissimaCapriccioli, si costeggia lo splendido tratto di costa per giugnere a Porto Rotondo. La particolare conformazione dell'insenatura fa si che Porto Rotondo sia armoniosamente inserito in un contesto naturale. Da questo punto si può godere della vista di tutta la Costa Smeralda con le sue acque cristalline.

Nonostante il grande sviluppo, il borgo si è sviluppato attorno alla famosa piazzetta. Da non perdere la Chiesa di San Lorenzo, con le sue 20 statue sacre, scolpite nel legno di Mario Ceroli.

Porto Rotondo con le sue stradine animate da una serie di boutiques e show room delle più famose marche internazionali. Porto Rotondo come Porto Cervo, ma in generale la costa smeralda, sono sinonima anche di gossip. Nei negozi esclusivi, nei locali rinomati o anche solo per le vie è facile incontrare personaggi famosi intenti a godersi la vita. Per capire quanto è elittario il turismo in costa smeralda basta fare un salto al porto per dare uno sguardo alle prestigiose barche ormeggiate.

Golfo Aranci

Lasciando la Costa Smeralda in direzione di Capo Figari si arriva a Golfo Aranci. Antico borgo di pescatori conosce la sua espansione nel 1888 quando diviene capolinea dei servizi marittimi con la penisola. Oggi il porto di Golfo Aranci è stato ridimensionato, arrivano e partono le navi che collegano la Sardegna al Contininente nel periodo estivo. Ma molte attività sono state spostate sul vicino porto dell'isola Bianca di Olbia.

Da non perdere se passate per Golfo Aranci è l'isolotto di di Figarolo, suggestiva oasi naturalistica. In questo isolotto trovano riparo, tra la macchia mediterranea, una nutrita colonia di Mufloni.

Vicino alla stazione di Golfo Aranci si trova ilPozzo Sacro nuragico di Milis. Fuori dall'abitato, invece, in direzione di Olbia, si trova il tempio a Pozzo di Sa Testa, all'interno una scala con 17 gradini.



Tradizionale e unico
La Sardegna e i suoi prodotti tipici 

Eleganti coltelli in corno di muflone; pendenti di sottilissimi fili d'oro; ceramiche sinuose e essenziali.

Cestini di fieno, giunco, palma, ulivo, canna, asfodelo; grandi arche nuziali in legno di castagno; le forme del ferro battuto; i maestri sellai; i ramai di origine zingaresca. 
Tappeti colorati con le erbe e tessuti a mano: un esplosione di colori e disegni eleganti.

Segui i link qui sotto per scoprire l'artigianato sardo.


- Le  maschere di Mamoiada

- L'arte dell'intreccio

- Il coltello sardo

- I cestini di asfodelo

- tappeti ed arazzi

- La ceramica sarda